Dr. Erasma Demeris Rutechura
Executive Director
Dr. Erasma Demeris Rutechura is the Executive Director of IACST. She holds an LLB, LLM and PhD in Oil and Gas Law. She also serves as Dean law School https://utamu.ac.ug/law-school
Resources at St. Augustine University of Tanzania among others.
Duties of the Executive Director:
- Shall be responsible to the IACST Governing Council for the academic, research, innovations, business development, administrative and financial affairs of the Institute.
- Without prejudice to the generality of clause (i) above, be responsible to the IACST Governing Council for:
- Coordinating and managing research, innovations, business development, collaborations and partnerships in which IACST is a party.
- Coordination and development of curricula of short/executive courses and (professional) programmes at all levels of the education system;
- Coordination of training activities at all IACST study centres and campus across Africa.
- The strategic development, management and operations of the Institute;
- Direct oversight of the staff and activities of the Institute;
- Working collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the highest quality of Institute activities;
- Overseeing the financial health and performance of the Institute, including financial planning, budgeting and reporting;
- Managing the Institute’s physical resources and facilities, including maintenance, health and safety and security;
- Ensuring compliance with all relevant UTAMU statutes, policies, regulations and procedures and applicable laws of Uganda and International laws;
- Representing the Institute in the community, at events and with partners; and
- Performing any such other duties as may be assigned by the IACST Governing Council or Vice-Chancellor of UTAMU or as provided for by the Statutes.