Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba
Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba serves as the Patron of Institute of African Culture Science and Technology (IACST) since its founding in 2014. The IACST is a semi-autonomous institute established under Universal/Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU). The Institute was established to bridge the gaps in Africa’s culture, science and technology sectors emphasising the importance of indigenous cultures, science, knowledge, innovations, technologies and community-driven development.
Prof. Baryamureeba serves as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Universal/Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) since its establishment in 2012. The Board of Directors is the supreme organ of the University, which holds the university in trust on behalf of the shareholders. UTAMU is a prestigious research-intensive private University whose niche is in Technology and Management (T&M).
Prof. Baryamureeba holds a B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in Computer Science and he is a Professor of Computer Science. He also serves as the Chancellor of Ibanda University since its establishment.
He possesses immense multidisciplinary skills in teaching, research and consultancy. He has been teaching and researching since 1994 and consulting since 2001. Since 2001, he is the Chairman and Managing Director of ICT Consults Ltd, one of the most prestigious consulting firms in Africa. He has been lead consultant on various assignments at national, regional and international level in areas such as needs assessment / baseline studies, strategy and policy development, systems analysis and development, software development, eLearning, (higher) education planning and management, corporate governance, resource mobilisation, private sector development, regional integration, technology transfer, knowledge and wealth management. He has provided services to key institutions like AU, UNECA, COMESA, EAC, East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) and Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA) among others.
He is also the Chairman and Managing Director of UTAMURIC, an umbrella Research and Innovation non-profit organisation that promotes research, innovation, business incubation and startups in Africa.
While at the prestigious Makerere University, he served as a Professor and Dean of the School of Computing and IT and Vice Chancellor of Makerere where he spearheaded research and innovation and the transformation of Makerere University into a collegiate University. He served as founding Vice Chancellor of Uganda Technology And Management University (UTAMU), 2012-2015.
He also previously served in the following roles among others:
- He served as the Founding Chairperson of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Innovation and served, 2013 -2016. The COMESA Innovation Council’s primary responsibility was to provide advice to Member States relating to existing and new knowledge and innovations, and best ways of applying the knowledge and innovations in the Member States. The Council was also responsible for choosing winners of the Annual COMESA Innovation Awards.
- He served as the Chairperson (2009-2010) and member (2009-2012) of the Inter University Council of East Africa (IUCEA). IUCEA is an institution of the EAC whose mission is to promote strategic and sustainable development of higher education and research, and to develop supportive mechanisms for East Africa’s regional integration and socio-economic development. The IUCEA Act (2009) defines the purpose of IUCEA as to advise Partner States on all matters related to higher education.
- He served as a Member of the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), 2009-2012: member of Finance and Management Committee, the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee, the Research and Development Committee, and the Full Council. NCHE regulates higher education, and guides the establishment of institutions of higher learning as well as ensures that quality and relevant education is provided in Uganda.
- He served as Chairperson, Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Board, 2009-2012. RUFORUM is a consortium of several universities in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa established in 2004 and has a mandate to oversee graduate training and networks of specialization in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) member countries.
- He served as Chairperson, Uganda Vice Chancellors Forum (UVCF), 2013-2016. The UVCF is a body that brings together all Vice Chancellors in Uganda, from both public and private universities with an aim of addressing issues that affect universities in the country.
- He served as Chairperson, Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 2013-2019. The object of the Board is to streamline, regulate and coordinate examinations and awards in the business and technical profession in Uganda.
- He served as Member of the 7th Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) from August, 2010 to August 2013. UNEB is the national assessment body for primary and secondary education in Uganda.
- He served as Chairman of the Board (2010–2014) and Director (2009–2014) of the Research and Education Network for Uganda (RENU). RENU’s main objectives include: to promote and facilitate research and education networking among Ugandan Universities and Research Organization; to provide cheaper bandwidth to educational and research institutions; to create stronger negotiating positions for participating institutions in dealing with government and regulators on issues related to policy and regulation vis-à-vis research and educational organizations; and to explore ways of overcoming the high cost of information systems through pooling resource and sharing, where feasible, costs for common software, and promoting collaboration in areas that may include but are not limited to e-learning systems to help deliver common online courses.
- He served as Chairperson of Council, Makerere University Business School (MUBS), 2012-2018. The MUBS Council is the supreme policy organ of the University. It is responsible for directing the academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University.
- He served as Member, African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD), 2011-2013. AICAD aims at poverty reduction in the African region through human capacity development.
- He served as Member, Presidential Investors Round Table, 2006-2013. The mandate of the Council was to advise the Government on steps that should be taken to improve the investment climate and increase Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows to Uganda.
In addition to the above, Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba has served as chairperson and/or member of several other boards, councils or agencies from across the globe and also undertaken various socio-economic initiatives aimed at making the world a better place.