Dr. Tabitha Naisiko
- PhD in Development Studies from Uganda Martyrs University (2012)
- Master of Arts in Online and Distance Education from Open University of UK (2020)
- Masters in Complementary Studies in Applied Ethics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium (2002)
- Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration (SWSA) from Makerere University (1997)
- Post Graduate Certificate in African Studies from Catholic University of Eastern Africa - Tangaza College Nairobi (2008)
- Post Graduate Certificate in Research Methods & Writing Skills from Centre for Basic Research (2007)
- Ethics Teachers’ Training Course from UNESCO Regional office for Eastern Africa/Uganda Martyrs University (2017)
- Research Management, Scholarly Writing and Communication Skills from Directorate of Research and Graduate Training Makerere University, Uganda (2015)
- Pedagogy Training: Teacher in Higher Education from Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor- Academic Affairs Makerere University, Uganda (2015)
- Methodological workshop for PhD Trainers and Supervisors from Organization of Social Science Research in East and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Addis Ababa (2013)
- Grant Proposal Writing from Innovations at Makerere University (2007)
- Methodological Training in Research in Humanities from French Research Institute of East Africa (IFRA) Nairobi (2006)
2 - Training in Gender Mainstreaming and Gender research from Organization of Social Science Research in East and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Addis Ababa (2005)
- Training in Social Science Research Methodology from Organization of Social Science Research in East and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Addis Ababa (2004)
- Women’s Rights Sensitization from the World University Services (1997)
- Senior Researcher in the Institute of African Culture Science and Technology, Uganda Technology and Management University from 2004 to date.
- Research Fellow in The Käte Hamburger Research Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation (CURE) Universität des Saarlandes Germany 2024/25.
- Part-time Lecturer in the Department of Development Studies, Makerere University from 2012-2024.
- Guest Researcher in the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala Sweden from September 2018 to December 2018.
- Senior Lecturer and Head of Department in the Queen of Apostles’ Philosophy Centre Jinja from 2011-2018.
- Lecturer in the Department of Ethics and Development Studies, Uganda Martyrs University from 2009-2010.
- Research Coordinator in the African Research and Documentation Centre, Uganda Martyrs University from 2003-2008.
- Research Officer in the Cultural Research Centre, Diocese of Jinja from 1998-2003.
- Naisiko, T. (2024). Anthropological Critique and the Karamoja Question: Reflections on the Post Disarmament Livelihood Sources and Gender Disparities in the North East Region of Uganda. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 7(1), 63-79. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajtcr.7.1.2034
- Naisiko, T., (2023) ‘An Anthropological Analysis of the Memoirs of Child-Mothers on Dysfunctional Families and Gender-based Violence During the Covid 19 Lockdown in Kimasa Community of Jinja in Uganda’. In Covid-19 Lockdown and Sexual Gender Based Violence Against Schoolgirls in Africa. A critical feminist analysis (Accepted for publication).
- Naisiko, T., (2022) ‘The Paradox of Love and Violence against Women in Families: A Loophole in the Agents of Socialization?’ In: East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion. https://eajtcr.eanso.org
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajtcr.5.2.611 - Naisiko, T., (2021) ‘An Anthropological Discourse to Christian Views on Polygamy and Plural Relationships in Uganda. In: East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion. https://eajtcr.eanso.org DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/2707-5370.
- Naisiko, T., & Magesa L. (Eds) 2021. How Theology Serves. Reflection on Prof. Kanyandago’s
Contribution to African Theology. Kampala. Marrianum Publications.
3 - Naisiko, T., (2021) “The Strengths of a Chain” On Fr. Peter Kanyandago’s Adaptation, Resilience and Cultural Reproduction in Africa. In: How Theology Serves. Reflection on Prof. Kanyandago’s Contribution to African Theology. Kampala. Marrianum Publications, pp: 65-78.
- Naisiko, T., (2020) Family Governance and other Dilemmas of Biomedical Ethics in Reproductive Health in Uganda. In East African Social Science Research Review. Vol. 37 No. 2 (2020) pp. 1-17. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/eassrr/article/view/198120
- Naisiko, T., (2016) Ritual and Human Development: An Exploration of the Experiences of the Sabiny of Eastern Uganda on Rites of Initiation to Adulthood. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Naisiko, T., (2016) ‘Bride Price Payment in Uganda; A Social Capital or Liability to Development? Anthropological Reflections on the Practice’: The University of Valladolid.
- Naisiko, T., (2016) Conserving the Environment through Traditional African Religion (TAR): Reflections on a Visit to Three Sacred Spaces in Mayuge District of Uganda. In: Kochalumchuvattil, T., (Ed). African Spirituality: Facts, Meaning and Values. Bengualuru. ATC Publications. Pp. 27-60.
- Naisiko, T., (2014) Managing Diversity: Perspectives from Eight African Countries – A Review of APRM Reports. In: Managing Diversity Uganda’s Experience. Kampala. Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda. Pp 361-368. https://crossculturalfoundation.or.ug/docs/Managing-Diversity-Ugandas-Experience-@CCFU2014-1.pdf
- Naisiko, T., (2012). The Value of Socialization in Negotiating livelihoods among the Youth: A Case of Bugembe Youth Group in Uganda. In: Bourdillon, M. F.C. and Sangare, A,. Negotiating the Livelihoods of Children and Youth in Africa’s Urban Spaces. Dakar: CODESRIA. Pp. 201 – 216. https://publication.codesria.org/index.php/pub/catalog/book/93
- Naisiko, T., (2012). The Significancy of Rites of Passage in Human Development: A case of Rites of Initiation to Adulthood Among the Sabiny of Eastern Uganda. Thesis (PhD). Uganda Martyrs University.
- Naisiko, T., (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility Approaches in Enhancing Environmental Quality and Community Well-being in Busoga: A Case of Kakira Sugar Works Limited. Kampala: African Research and Documentation Centre.
- Waswa, F.; Netondo, GW., Maina, LW, Naisiko, T., (Eds.) (2011). Commercial Sugarcane Farming in the Lake Victoria Basin: A Quandary of Opportunities. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
- Naisiko, T. (2011) Operationalising Corporate Social Responsibilities in Commercial Sugarcane Farming at Kakira, Uganda. In: Waswa, F.; Netondo, GW., Maina, LW,
- Naisiko, T., (Eds.) (2011). Commercial Sugarcane Farming in the Lake Victoria Basin: A Quandary of Opportunities. Kampala: Fountain Publishers. Pp. 81-108.
- Naisiko, T., (2011) Challenges and Prospects on Decentralised Agriculture System of Service Delivery. A Case of Kiboga District. In: Ngabirano, M., Asiimwe, E., & Omaada, E., Decentralisation and Efficient Service Delivery in Local Government. Uganda Martyrs Book Series. Kampala. Pp.219 – 242.
- Naisiko, T., (2007) The Significance of African Socialisation Values in Mentoring towards Sustainable “adulthood” in Contemporary Society: Challenges and Prospects from the Kikuyu culture. Nairobi: MIAS Publications.
- Naisiko, T., (2007) Challenges and Prospects of Women’s Groups as a Strategy for Community Development: Voices and Suggestions from Kibera Slums in Nairobi. Nairobi: MIAS
Publications. - Naisiko, T., (2005) Traditional African Religions (TARs): On HIV/AIDS, Health and Morality in Africa. Kampala: African Research and Documentation Centre.
- Naisiko, T., (2004) Mental Deprogramming and Programming: An Ethical and Cultural Outlook In: Kanyandago, P., and Mugumya, L., (eds) Mtafiti Mwafrika, Celebrating 10 Years of Academic Excellence. Kampala: Uganda Martyrs University Press, pp [62-75].
- Naisiko, T., (2002) Dilemmas of Meeting Economic Growth and Basic Human Needs under the Structural Adjustment Policies, A Case Study of Uganda. Thesis (MA). Catholic University of Leuven.
- Naisiko, T., (1997) Factor Leading to People’s Poor Performance in Poverty Alleviation projects: A Case Study Fatima Child and Family Programme. Thesis (B.A). Makerere University.